Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Speech Representation of the Gender Consciousness in the Modern ‘Female’ Prose

The article presents typological features of ‘feminine writing’ identified in the texts of modern women writers; methodological principles are set up for the identification of the gender element on the level of the work speech organization.

Conceptualization of a Greek Orthodox Discourse LoanWord Lampade in Fiction (on the Works of I. S. Shmelyov)

The article is focused on the conceptualization of Greek loan-words from the Orthodox discourse in literature. On the material of a novel and a story by I. Shmelyov we have analyzed the layer structure of the concept lampade. It is possibble to distinguish objectivenotional, imagery-symbolic, and evaluative levels of the concept. Their distinctive features are related to the cultural and religious traditions, and are also predetermined by the genre characteristics of the author’s works.

Mentefact «Massif» in Russian and German National Discourses

In the article the discourse representation of the mentefact massif is analyzed on the material of the text corpuses of the Russian and German languages; structure and content as well as communicative and discursive characteristics of this mental unit are revealed.


An attempt has been made to expand the typology of dramatic titles by E.S. Cubreacova. in the framework of the cognitive-discursive approach to the analysis of the language, the term "speech equation" is proposed that contributes to a more accurate and objective coverage of the cognitive-communicative processes of producing the title of the play as a fragment of speech and the reader / viewer of discourse that arises during communication.

The Functions of Greek Loan-words of the Orthodox Religious Discourse in Literature (on the Material of S.V. Kekova’s poetry)

The article is focused on Greek loan-words from the Orthodox discourse in literature. Statistic, stylistic, and semantic analysis of such Greek loan-words is carried out on the material of poems by S. Kekova. Performing a complex of different functions, the Greek loanwords are shown to create an individual world model –a Universe with the World Tree as its Axis.

Discourse as a Cognitive Mechanism

The article proposes a generalization of theoretical discourse studies as a product or result of social relations, as well as a mechanism or instrument of their construction and regulation. The author structures the ideas of discourse, most thoroughly developed in the national philological science, and focuses on the controversial issues related to the research of various types and forms of discourse.

The Taxonomy of Political Discourse in Contemporary World in the Context of the Anthropocentric Paradigm

The article discusses political discourse as a communicative space of modern politics in the context of the anthropocentric paradigm. The following components of the political discourse have been outlined: the character of the subject and that of the addressee, genres of oral and written speech, the opposition of monologue and dialogue, the functions, the amount of information among the genres, the aim of speech.

Religious and Medical Discourses: Meeting Points

This article deals with religious and medical discourses, which are considered from a sociolinguistic point of view. Their general sociolinguistic characteristic is given, common discursive signs are revealed, speech and communicative strategies and tactics, as well as ways of expressing them are described. A comparative analysis of these discourses has shown the unity of their purpose, means and methods aimed at treating physical and spiritual diseases.

The peculiarities of the oppositional political discourse of Ugandan politician Bobi Wine

The article analyzes the political discourse of one of the most infl uential Ugandan opposition politicians, Bobi Wine, who is famous for his scathing criticism of Ioweri Museveni’s regime, existing since 1986. Bobi Wine, who offi cially started his political career in 2017, the year when he was elected in the Ugandan parliament, actually does not recognize the legitimacy of the rule of his ideological enemy. In the country the political myth is created according to which the opposition, and not Yoweri Musevini, won the presidential elections of 2021.

Legal standards as a basis of religious interaction (On the example of the Book of Leviticus)

The present work is related to such studies, the subject of which is the interaction of various institutional types of discourses. This article will focus on the biblical discourse, which, compared with the legal discourse, is considered by the author as a special type of interaction of believers based on legal norms. A special study of this issue is of undoubted scientific interest, because addressing this problem is important not only for the study of biblical discourse, which, unfortunately, is currently understudied.
