Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

literary criticism

Presentation of the Book

The article is dedicated to the books:
Русский язык и культура речи (базовые компетенции). Красноярск, 2015. 516 с.
Большой универсальный словарь русского языка. М., 2016. 1456 с.
Эпоха «Великого перелома» в истории культуры: сборник научных статей. Саратов, 2015. 496 с.

On the Contradictions of the Term ‘Method of Dialectic Materialism’ in the History of Literary Criticism

The contradictions of the term ‘method of dialectic materialism’ are shown. The information about the most important discussions in the sphere of the method of literary criticism is provided.


The article by S. Artemenko is dedicated to «History of media criticism: Results and prospects of work on the project» (06.12.2016, The Institute of Philology and Journalism, Saratov State University).

Postmodernist or Neorealist? Literary Criticism of the 1990s of A. Slapovsky’s Oeuvre

A. Slapovsky’s prose cannot fit the clearly defined frame the critics and literary scholars try to set. The article considers their attempts to characterize the writer’s oeuvre, special emphasis is placed on the arguments about the author belonging to the postmodern or neorealist movements.

Forms and Functions of Media Criticism in the Soviet Russia of the 1920s

The article specifies the foundations necessary for the media criticism to appear and develop. On the material of the national press Zhurnalist (Journalist), Izvestia (News), Pravda (Truth), Pechat i Revolutsiya (Press and Revolution) the formation of the journalist criticism of the 1920s is shown against the background of the Soviet journalism principles being established; its link with the literary criticism, features of a media criticism statement and its functions are indicated.

Presentation of the Book

The article is dedicated to the books:

Герасимова Л. Е. Пунктирная линия  жизни: сб. ст. Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2018. 208 с.

Рискогенность современной коммуникации и роль коммуникативной компетентности в ее преодолении / А. Н. Байкулова [и др.]; под ред. О. Б. Сиротининой и М. А. Кормилицыной. Саратов: Изд-во Сарат. ун-та, 2015. 188 с.


The article reviews the estimates of A.P. Chekhov "In the Ravine" writers of the twentieth century. (L. Tolstoy, M. Gorky, E. Zamyatin, V. Nabokov, I. Bunin, B. Zaitsev, K. Chukovsky, A. Solzhenitsyn). Writers are primarily interested in the artistic nature of the story, pay attention to the close and important features of poetics. As a result, the conclusion is drawn about the versatility of the story of A.P. Chekhov, as 


Round table "History of Media Criticism in Russia"

The article by L.S. Borisova is dedicated to «History of media criticism in Russia» (06.12.2017, The Institute of Philology and Journalism, Saratov State University).

Early works by Andrey Nemzer: To the problem of defi ning the author’s status

In the article the publications of the literary critic and historian Andrey Nemzer which appeared in the 1980s in the journal Literaturnoye obozreniye (Literary review) are analyzed. The articles of this period dealt more with historical and literary works and to a smaller degree with literary-artistic ones. The aim of this work is to identify the author’s status. A range of arguments is off ered proving that Nemzer’s contributions on the pages of the journal are strictly of literary-critical nature.
